Conjugaison du verbe tell straight out [v.]
-tell straight out
Itell straight out
youtell straight out
hetells straight out
wetell straight out
youtell straight out
theytell straight out
Itold straight out
youtold straight out
hetold straight out
wetold straight out
youtold straight out
theytold straight out
Iwilltell straight out
youwilltell straight out
hewilltell straight out
wewilltell straight out
youwilltell straight out
theywilltell straight out
Ihavetold straight out
youhavetold straight out
hehastold straight out
wehavetold straight out
youhavetold straight out
theyhavetold straight out
-telling straight out
-told straight out
Mots se fléchissant sur le même modèle :
tell everyone about tell someone the unvarnished truth tell off sell off tell a fib tell the future sell at a loss sell slowly tell the plain unvarnished truth tell it straight to sell door-to-door sell retail sell wholesale tell lies sell like hot cakes tell straight out tell on sell on credit tell tales sell by retail ... (39 mots)