Conjugaison du verbe stab to death [v.]
-stab to death
Istab to death
youstab to death
hestabs to death
westab to death
youstab to death
theystab to death
Istabbed to death
youstabbed to death
hestabbed to death
westabbed to death
youstabbed to death
theystabbed to death
Iwillstab to death
youwillstab to death
hewillstab to death
wewillstab to death
youwillstab to death
theywillstab to death
Ihavestabbed to death
youhavestabbed to death
hehasstabbed to death
wehavestabbed to death
youhavestabbed to death
theyhavestabbed to death
-stabbing to death
-stabbed to death
Mots se fléchissant sur le même modèle :
rub it in rub out rub against bob under rub in fob off scrub up rub over rub along grub up stab to death dab at fob off with rob of rub down bob up rub off fob off on stub out blab out ... (25 mots)