Conjugaison du verbe spur on to [v.]
-spur on to
Ispur on to
youspur on to
hespurs on to
wespur on to
youspur on to
theyspur on to
Ispurred on to
youspurred on to
hespurred on to
wespurred on to
youspurred on to
theyspurred on to
Iwillspur on to
youwillspur on to
hewillspur on to
wewillspur on to
youwillspur on to
theywillspur on to
Ihavespurred on to
youhavespurred on to
hehasspurred on to
wehavespurred on to
youhavespurred on to
theyhavespurred on to
-spurring on to
-spurred on to
Mots se fléchissant sur le même modèle :
infer from occur to confer a title of nobility on prefer a charge against slur over concur in stir fry concur with stir up a hornet's nest bar hop bar out prefer charges against confer with refer back to stir in bar mitzvah incur displeasure transfer into private ownership transfer to prefer a charge ... (33 mots)