Conjugaison du verbe put under a spell [v.]
-put under a spell
Iput under a spell
youput under a spell
heputs under a spell
weput under a spell
youput under a spell
theyput under a spell
Iput under a spell
youput under a spell
heput under a spell
weput under a spell
youput under a spell
theyput under a spell
Iwillput under a spell
youwillput under a spell
hewillput under a spell
wewillput under a spell
youwillput under a spell
theywillput under a spell
Ihaveput under a spell
youhaveput under a spell
hehasput under a spell
wehaveput under a spell
youhaveput under a spell
theyhaveput under a spell
-putting under a spell
-put under a spell
Mots se fléchissant sur le même modèle :
split off let up put down on shut away put into practice let bygones be bygones let sth. take its course put on a mask put up for auction put ammunition into put in quotes set back put to sea shut down put off set against cut corners let finish speaking put over put in check ... (281 mots)