Conjugaison du verbe live up to one's reputation [v.]
-live up to one's reputation
Ilive up to my reputation
youlive up to your reputation
helives up to his reputation
welive up to our reputation
youlive up to your reputation
theylive up to their reputation
Ilived up to my reputation
youlived up to your reputation
helived up to his reputation
welived up to our reputation
youlived up to your reputation
theylived up to their reputation
Iwilllive up to my reputation
youwilllive up to your reputation
hewilllive up to his reputation
wewilllive up to our reputation
youwilllive up to your reputation
theywilllive up to their reputation
Ihavelived up to my reputation
youhavelived up to your reputation
hehaslived up to his reputation
wehavelived up to our reputation
youhavelived up to your reputation
theyhavelived up to their reputation
-living up to one's reputation
-lived up to one's reputation
Mots se fléchissant sur le même modèle :
change one's clothes grate one's teeth poke one's nose into everything force one's way into raise one's hand state one's intention to buy relieve one's bowels remove one's hat waste one's time line one's pockets grease one's palms live off one's investments impose one's will on complete one's studies line one's purse wave one's hand serve one's country live above one's means change one's mind save one's skin ... (47 mots)