Conjugaison du verbe know what's what [v.]
-know what's what
Iknow what's what
youknow what's what
heknows what's what
weknow what's what
youknow what's what
theyknow what's what
Iknew what's what
youknew what's what
heknew what's what
weknew what's what
youknew what's what
theyknew what's what
Iwillknow what's what
youwillknow what's what
hewillknow what's what
wewillknow what's what
youwillknow what's what
theywillknow what's what
Ihaveknown what's what
youhaveknown what's what
hehasknown what's what
wehaveknown what's what
youhaveknown what's what
theyhaveknown what's what
-knowing what's what
-known what's what
Mots se fléchissant sur le même modèle :
blow off know what's going on throw in the towel throw out throw in throw open grow crooked blow over grow red blow down know by heart grow rank throw up know of blow out grow old grow bent grow somber know the score grow up ... (60 mots)