Conjugaison du verbe head for the hills [v.]
-head for the hills
Ihead for the hills
youhead for the hills
heheads for the hills
wehead for the hills
youhead for the hills
theyhead for the hills
Iheaded for the hills
youheaded for the hills
heheaded for the hills
weheaded for the hills
youheaded for the hills
theyheaded for the hills
Iwillhead for the hills
youwillhead for the hills
hewillhead for the hills
wewillhead for the hills
youwillhead for the hills
theywillhead for the hills
Ihaveheaded for the hills
youhaveheaded for the hills
hehasheaded for the hills
wehaveheaded for the hills
youhaveheaded for the hills
theyhaveheaded for the hills
-heading for the hills
-headed for the hills
Mots se fléchissant sur le même modèle :
happen on twist around land in act involuntarily play chess snow under invest money in pump out walk around freeload off call it even fast dye scour off palm off onto bomb up mound over play possum foist off bowl over flood out ... (2030 mots)