Conjugaison du verbe foretell the future [v.]
-foretell the future
Iforetell the future
youforetell the future
heforetells the future
weforetell the future
youforetell the future
theyforetell the future
Iforetold the future
youforetold the future
heforetold the future
weforetold the future
youforetold the future
theyforetold the future
Iwillforetell the future
youwillforetell the future
hewillforetell the future
wewillforetell the future
youwillforetell the future
theywillforetell the future
Ihaveforetold the future
youhaveforetold the future
hehasforetold the future
wehaveforetold the future
youhaveforetold the future
theyhaveforetold the future
-foretelling the future
-foretold the future
Mots se fléchissant sur le même modèle :
tell everyone about tell someone the unvarnished truth tell off sell off tell a fib tell the future sell at a loss sell slowly tell the plain unvarnished truth tell it straight to sell door-to-door sell retail sell wholesale tell lies sell like hot cakes tell straight out tell on sell on credit tell tales sell by retail ... (39 mots)