Conjugaison du verbe file a complaint [v.]
-file a complaint
Ifile a complaint
youfile a complaint
hefiles a complaint
wefile a complaint
youfile a complaint
theyfile a complaint
Ifiled a complaint
youfiled a complaint
hefiled a complaint
wefiled a complaint
youfiled a complaint
theyfiled a complaint
Iwillfile a complaint
youwillfile a complaint
hewillfile a complaint
wewillfile a complaint
youwillfile a complaint
theywillfile a complaint
Ihavefiled a complaint
youhavefiled a complaint
hehasfiled a complaint
wehavefiled a complaint
youhavefiled a complaint
theyhavefiled a complaint
-filing a complaint
-filed a complaint
Mots se fléchissant sur le même modèle :
glance at change up unite with shove in acknowledge defeat snipe at produce evidence of inquire into wipe dry solemnize a marriage practice usury poke fun at settle in remove the dents face up to venture into stumble upon scuttle off live with pronounce sentence ... (1132 mots)