Conjugaison du verbe come to o.s. [v.]
-come to o.s.
Icome to myself
youcome to yourself
hecomes to himself
wecome to ourselves
youcome to yourselves
theycome to theirselves
Icame to myself
youcame to yourself
hecame to himself
wecame to ourselves
youcame to yourselves
theycame to theirselves
Iwillcome to myself
youwillcome to yourself
hewillcome to himself
wewillcome to ourselves
youwillcome to yourselves
theywillcome to theirselves
Ihavecome to myself
youhavecome to yourself
hehascome to himself
wehavecome to ourselves
youhavecome to yourselves
theyhavecome to theirselves
-coming to o.s.
-come to o.s.
Mots se fléchissant sur le même modèle :