Conjugaison du verbe clog up [v.]
-clog up
Iclog up
youclog up
heclogs up
weclog up
youclog up
theyclog up
Iclogged up
youclogged up
heclogged up
weclogged up
youclogged up
theyclogged up
Iwillclog up
youwillclog up
hewillclog up
wewillclog up
youwillclog up
theywillclog up
Ihaveclogged up
youhaveclogged up
hehasclogged up
wehaveclogged up
youhaveclogged up
theyhaveclogged up
-clogging up
-clogged up
Mots se fléchissant sur le même modèle :
plug up rig up drag through the mud plug into drag along bug out frig around beg for alms drag out tag along behind fog up log off leg it fag out wag the tail tog out shrug off beg for tog up plug away ... (55 mots)