Conjugaison du verbe clink the glasses [v.]
-clink the glasses
Iclink the glasses
youclink the glasses
heclinks the glasses
weclink the glasses
youclink the glasses
theyclink the glasses
Iclinked the glasses
youclinked the glasses
heclinked the glasses
weclinked the glasses
youclinked the glasses
theyclinked the glasses
Iwillclink the glasses
youwillclink the glasses
hewillclink the glasses
wewillclink the glasses
youwillclink the glasses
theywillclink the glasses
Ihaveclinked the glasses
youhaveclinked the glasses
hehasclinked the glasses
wehaveclinked the glasses
youhaveclinked the glasses
theyhaveclinked the glasses
-clinking the glasses
-clinked the glasses
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