Conjugaison du verbe punch out [v.]
-punch out
Ipunch out
youpunch out
hepunches out
wepunch out
youpunch out
theypunch out
Ipunched out
youpunched out
hepunched out
wepunched out
youpunched out
theypunched out
Iwillpunch out
youwillpunch out
hewillpunch out
wewillpunch out
youwillpunch out
theywillpunch out
Ihavepunched out
youhavepunched out
hehaspunched out
wehavepunched out
youhavepunched out
theyhavepunched out
-punching out
-punched out
Mots se fléchissant sur le même modèle :
discuss again piss with rain gross out pass judgment snatch from touch upon zero in on pass along smooth over touch a chord vouch in mix with switch over buzz off wash the dishes wash again fix up push into neutral thresh about branch off ... (357 mots)