Conjugaison de high

Formes de high [adj.]


Mots se fléchissant sur le même modèle :

blond rich kind smooth wild strict mousey hollow shallow young sound steep broad tough sharp bland common meek mean stiff ... (156 mots)

high-absorbency material high achiever high altar high altitude cerebral oedema high altitude pulmonary oedema high and low high-angle shot high anxiety high-backed chair high ball glass high-band width fiber optic line high-band width fiber optic network high block high blood pressure drug high building high-carbohydrate diet high-ceilinged room High-Church High Churchman high circles high command high commission High Constable High Court high court judge High Court of Justice High Court of Justiciary High court order high culture high definition high definition television screen high degree high denomination banknote high denomination coin high density housing high driver high driving high energies high energy carbon ion high energy cosmic ray high-explosive charge high fever high finance high five high flier high-flying high forehead high frequency recombination strain high-gain communications antenna high ground high-hat high-hoe high-holder high intensity steel pylon high inventories high judge high kick high level high life high living high mannose high mobility group protein high-mobility group protein high-moor bog high mountains high office high old time high-performance liquid chromatography high point high power laser light high pressure high-pressure high price high priestess high priority high profile high quality high ranking official high resolution high resolution electron microscope high resolution electron microscopy high-rise high road high roller high school high-school diploma high school graduate high school graduation high school graduation rate high-sided vehicle high society high-speed communications network high speed computer line high speed computer network high speed computerized network high-speed digital telephone switch high speed electronic network high-speed internet link high speed network high speed passenger railroad high speed rail link high speed rail project high speed solar wind high speed train link high spirit high spirits high spot high stake high standard high stool High Street high street high-street bank high-street shop high sugar intake high table high tea high-tech company high-tech corporation high-tech product high-technology goods high temperature insulating phase high temperature superconducting wire high tension high-tension line high tide high tide line high treason high-up high voltage high-voltage cable


Parts of speech:

adj. adjective

n. noun

v. verb


sing. singular

plur. plural

pos. positive

comp. comparative (more)

super. superlative (the most)